Computer science applied to the skills – During the panel on information technology and Multimedia, held during the XV Scientific Conference of the ISA, became notorious for the employment of new technologies applied to the arts. The use of video, images, music, and animations has high relevance in the creation of bibliographic or reference material for students of the various artistic manifestations, taking into account a higher requirement of the semi-presential studies and the insufficient resources that we have in our university. Multimedia works, virtual environments, digital content are some examples of how much our teachers face the challenge of integrating information and communication technologies (ICT) into the curriculum subjects of the different profiles.
In this panel were presented research such as the interactive Audiovisual catalog of Professor Rafael Collado, multimedia to contribute to the rescue of the audiovisual heritage of the Faculty of Art of the Audiovisual Media. Maria del Carmen Mena and teachers MSc. Ana I. Gómez and MSc. Valentin Format. For his part, Professor MSc. Alfredo Masada showed multimedia support for teaching the computer subject applied to music as a resource in virtual teaching. Dr. Antoinette Alvarez also presented the creation of the Virtual Learning Environment Research Methodology for Audiovisual Communication, implemented for the learning of this subject. Colombian professor MSc attended the panel. Mauricio Rivera Henao exhibited a research-creation that expresses the interaction that exists between contemporary performances, virtual environments, and American healing shamanic ceremonies.
In this way, new technological means become essential in the appreciation and creation of visual products, dancers, musicals, digital paintings, stage design, graphic design, and in the training of our teachers to support our work and contribute to the motivation of our students. Finally, the conference” the challenge of television in the face of the television offer product of technology “” by Dr. Alfredo Adum of Ecuador, concluded our panel with good participation and Exchange among the attendees.
The topics of the influence of the computer in art, its effect on art and the art produced with the help of machines become urgent questions today.
By 1970, two-dimensional image animation programs emerged, three-dimensional image production programs, shading, lighting, texture mapping, and three-dimensional modeling.
In 1980, coloring programs were created, two-dimensional animation programs were refined, and three-dimensional animation began to be experimented with, while commercial companies dedicated to visual computing began to multiply. The big companies producing computer equipment and programs were given the task of developing systems designed to be employed by anyone, even those lacking any experience with computer equipment or programming.
In this way, by the end of the decade of the nineties, we find a vast variety of computing equipment, ranging from large work stations to small portable computers.
Hardware and software offer a dynamic environment that allows the construction, visualization, and manipulation of images, even with millions of colors, thanks to microprocessors that execute tens of thousands of operations in a matter of milliseconds. The concepts of multimedia (means that combine audio and video), simulation (to establish actions in imaginary media, such as flight simulators or video games), interactivity (where the user can modify the screens or interfaces with which he or she has contact), etc.